Jean Wong Studio

The Looking Glass, watercolor on paper, 9 x 11.5”, 2022. 

Project Z is an ongoing multimedia collaboration grounded in a screenplay written by Jean. The screenplay follows five anti-heroes across the United States and Singapore who find themselves positioned to mitigate a zombie uprising hellbent on destroying the infrastructures of global capitalism. Unaware of the ripple effects of their actions on each other, these characters navigate their intergenerational traumas, millennial apathy, and inherited sociocultural expectations in a desperate attempt to soothe themselves, connect with people, and ultimately prevent the world from descending into anarchy. Written at the intersections of black comedy and horror, this tv series tows the line between fiction and research, revealing the chilling reality of our financial and social precarity.

Project Z comprises film, ballet, zines, printmaking, and painting. 

Undersea Cable #1, monoprint, 2022.  

Jean is currently working on an editioned print run of the concept art for the pilot. 

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© Jean Wong Studio